for accordion and cello – 2012, ca. 9′
for accordion and clar. – 2014, ca. 9′
for accordion and alto sax. – 2015, ca. 9′
Ricordi Verlag, score in sell: Sy. 4224

Premiere: 07 Febr. 2013, Teodoro Anzellotti (Acc.) & Jean-Guihen Queyras (Cello), Festival Eclat, Kunstmuseum, Stuttgart, Germany

“Danse Polyptote” Fabien Levy
Audio Player

Program note:
Danse, la (dance, the) [dɑ̃:s] : Substantifve- Playful activity for one person or several partners, consisting of executing a sequence of steps, body movements and rhythmic attitudes, usually with the sound of instrumental or vocal music..

Polyptote, le [pɔliptɔt]: Substantive – The use of several grammatical forms of the same word in a sentence.