For six car horns (originally six ship horns, at a slower tempo)- 2020, ca. 8’
Peters Edition, score in sell: EP 14507

Premiere: 19 Juni 2020, Ensemble Recherche, Freiburg.

Cars can be dispersed in space, without seeing each other (beware of the distance due to the speed of sound).

A computer Web-application, webmaestro, and the related file for this piece, is delivered with the score to assist in the exact synchronization of the musicians (visual and audio click-track). See below.

* Program note:
What happened to us during the Corona crisis? More generally, what is happening to us? What happens to our planet, to the plant, animal, and mineral species that we live with and exploit without scruples? When will we, apprentices of Prometheus, understand that we are not as powerful as we think we are? That we cannot produce and transform indefinitely without being accountable for what we destroy? That the value of things cannot be reduced to their use value, even less to their exchange value?

Imagine six vehicles, stranded in a crumbling world, which alternate with a touch of irony a dance of exorcization of current anxieties with a funeral song.

11. April 2021, Das neue Ensemble, Steintor, Hannover, Germany.

Orchestre de Dijon

* Click-track

-> We recommend the use of six HF headphones for perfect synchronization of the audio signal without cables. There must be no latency between the musicians!

-> You can use the following click track audio file! (with spoken Cues oder only with clicks). However, we recommend using the freeware Webmaestro, which allows you to rehearse at a reduced tempo and from any be

* Use of Webmaestro (click-track editor and player, freeware) for “avant-demain”:

WebMaestro is a web-based click track editor and player conceived by Aristotelis Hadjakos and Fabien Lévy and written by Prof. Aristotelis Hadjakos (Center for Music and Film Informatics -Cemfi-).

The click-track player allows:
. a Visual click-track with indication of measure number and beat.
. an Audio click-track with optimized midi-sounds tested with musicians from Ensemble Klangforum Wien.
. Possibility to start the player on a given bar and in another tempo (in percent of the original tempo), for instance in rehearsal.
. Possibility to display the running score (pdf or jpg), using the synchronisation software Maestro [to be re-implemented in the future].

Interface for Webmaestro

Through the editor, you can easyly edit:
. changes of tempi and metrics
. accel./rall. also in the middle of a bar, and using different curves (linear, exp.)
. regular audiocues (for instance every 10 bars) and local text-to speech cues (for instance “next bar, section D“) in German, French or English.
. Save and load the datas.

Interface for Webmaestro

WebMaestro requires advanced audio skills that are not (yet) available in all browsers. Therefore, he is currently only running on Chrome or Safari.

you can freely download Webmaestro here (with all Documents for “à demain”) or hier.

* Installation:
For Mac:

For Windows: