for 13 musicians – 2007, ca. 12′

Instrumentation: 1 Fl., 1 Ob., 1 Clar., 1 Bsn., 1 Tp., 1 Tbn., 1 Hrf., 1 Pno.,2 Perc., 1 Vn., 1 Va. & 1 Vcl.
Ricordi Germany Publisher, score in rent: Sy. 3833

UA: 20., 21. & 22. March 2007, Ensemble XXI, Chalon sur Saone, Auxerre & Dijon.

Program note:
Querwüchsig is a german neologism formed from the root words Quer (diagonal) and Wuchs/Wüchsig (to grow or sprout), and echoes the German Urwüchsig (lusty, primitive) or Wildwuchs (uncontrolled growth). The title derives in part from the rapid progress of the piece, which sprang forth (something quire rare in my music) despite the chaos of relocating from place to place (from Berlin to New York in 2006), and also by the character of the music, in which wild and hairy thematic cells move violently from one part to another in a technique inspired by the cross-rhythms of Central African polyphony which I have developed over the years and have applied to every musical parameter. The piece, commissioned by l’Ensemble XXI, is dedicated to Daniel D’Adamo and Dominique Dournaud in friendship.

Audio Player
Querwüchsig , Konzerthaus, Berlin, Germany, Ensemble United Berlin, cond.: Vladimir Jurowski, 25. Febr. 2016